Full Size Designer Series Check Desks
Oak veneer base available in 5 standard finishes, Light Oak, Cherry, Mahogany, Golden Oak, and Black, shown below. Custom base finishes available per request. Black laminate countertop topped with a 1/4" thick clear acrylic shatter resistant writing surface. Countertop features six compartments, 3 on the left side and 3 on the right side for deposit slips, withdrawal slips, envelopes and brochures. Dimensions are 58"W X 54 1/8"H X 16 1/4"D with countertop height 41". Check Desks sold individually.
Finish M.F. Blouin number Vault number
Light Oak base with black laminate countertop FZFM07838 CDFSDSLO
Cherry base with black laminate countertop FZFM07838 CDFSDSCY
Mahogany base with black laminate countertop FZFM07838 CDFSDSMY
Golden Oak base with black laminate countertop FZFM07838 CDFSDSGO
Black base with black laminate countertop FZFM07838 CDFSDSBK
Oak Floor and Wall Display Finishes
Light Oak Cherry Mahogany Golden Oak Black
  Pedestal Designer Check Desks
Feature 3 compartments for deposit slips, withdrawal slips, envelopes and brochures. Oak veneer base available in 5 standard oak finishes shown above. Custom base finishes available per request. Black laminate countertop topped with a 1/4" thick clear acrylic shatter resistant writing surface. Dimensions are 24"W X 41"H X 16"D with countertop height 41". Check Desks sold individually.
Finish M.F. Blouin number Vault number
Light Oak base with black laminate countertop FZFM02441B CDPDLO
Cherry base with black laminate countertop FZFM02441B CDPDCY
Mahogany base with black laminate countertop FZFM02441B CDPDMY
Golden Oak base with black laminate countertop FZFM02441B CDPDGO
Black base with black laminate countertop FZFM02441B CDPDBK
  Wall Mount Designer Check Desks
Features 3 compartments for deposit slips, withdrawal slips, envelopes and brochures. Oak veneer base available in 5 standard oak finishes shown above. Custom base finishes available per request. Black laminate countertop topped with a 1/4" thick clear acrylic shatter resistant writing surface. Dimensions are 24"W X 24"H X 12"D. Check Desks sold individually.
Finish M.F. Blouin number Vault number
Light Oak base with black laminate countertop FZFM02416 CDWDLO
Cherry base with black laminate countertop FZFM02416 CDWDCY
Mahogany base with black laminate countertop FZFM02416 CDWDMY
Golden Oak base with black laminate countertop FZFM02416 CDWDGO
Black base with black laminate countertop FZFM02416 CDWDBK
**Additional styles of Check Desks are available, for details use the Contact Us tab on our website or contact Roger Zavodny directly by e-mail at or by phone at 440-346-4593. |