Tamper-Evident Deposit Bags
Tamper-Evident Deposit Bags
Bags are used for deposits of checks, currency and coin. Bags can be put into a night depository. Bags are co-extruded recyclable plastic film with pouch seams, write-on area, sequential numbering with bar coding, tamper-evident security closure, and tear-off receipt including numbering. Available in clear or white opaque colors and 4 sizes - 9"W X 12"H, 12"W X 16"H, 15"W X 20"H, and 20"W X 28"H. Custom imprinted Single-Pouch Tamper-Evident Deposit Bags are available on request.
Bag Size, Color Packaging Vault number
9"W X 12"H, Clear 500 bags per box TEDBSP912CLR
9"W X 12"H, Clear 100 bags per box TEDBSP912CLR1
9"W X 12"H, White 500 bags per box TEDBSP912W
9"W X 12"H, White 100 bags per box TEDBSP912W1
12"W X 16"H, Clear 500 bags per box TEDBSP1216CLR
12"W X 16"H, Clear 100 bags per box TEDBSP1216CLR1
12"W X 16"H, White 500 bags per box TEDBSP1216W
12"W X 16"H, White 100 bags per box TEDBSP1216W1
15"W X 20"H, Clear 250 bags per box TEDBSP1520CLR
15"W X 20"H, Clear 100 bags per box TEDBSP1520CLR1
15"W X 20"H, White 250 bags per box TEDBSP1520W
15"W X 20"H, White 100 bags per box TEDBSP1520W1
20"W X 28"H, Clear 100 bags per box TEDBSP2028CLR
20"W X 28"H, White 100 bags per box TEDBSP2028W
Bio-Degradable Single-Pouch Tamper-Evident Deposit Bags
Bio-Degradable Bags contain a propriety additive that allow microorganisms in landfills to decompose plastic bags. Bags are used for deposits of checks, currency and coin. Bags can be put into a night depository. Bags are co-extruded recyclable plastic film with Bio-Degradable additive and with pouch seams, write-on area, sequential numbering with bar coding, tamper-evident security closure, and tear-off receipt including numbering. Available in clear or white opaque colors and 2 sizes - 9"W X 12"H and 12"W X 16"H. Custom imprinted Bio-Degradable Single-Pouch Tamper-Evident Deposit Bags are available on request. All sizes are packaged 500 bags per box.
Bag Size, Color Vault number
9"W X 12"H, Clear TEDBSPBIO912CLR
9"W X 12"H, White TEDBSPBIO912W
12"W X 16"H, Clear TEDBSPBIO1216CLR
12"W X 16"H, White TEDBSPBIO1216W
Tamper-Evident Deposit Bags with Clear Back Pocket
Bags are used for deposits of checks, currency and coin. Bags can be put into a night depository. Bags are co-extruded recyclable plastic film with pouch seams, write-on area, sequential numbering with bar coding, tamper-evident security closure, and tear-off receipt including numbering. Back Pocket is clear with adhesive closure for deposit tickets, checks, or paperwork. Available in clear or white opaque colors and 2 sizes - 9"W X 12"H and 12"W X 16"H. Custom imprinted Single-Pouch Tamper-Evident Deposit Bags with Clear Back Pocket are available on request. All sizes packaged 500 bags per box.
Bag Size, Color Vault number
9"W X 12"H, Clear TEDBSPBP912CLR
9"W X 12"H, White TEDBSPBP912W
12"W X 16"H, Clear TEDBSPBP1216CLR
12"W X 16"H, White TEDBSPBP1216W
 Twin-Pouch Cash and Checks Deposit Bags
Two section bag includes perforations that separate the top pouch which holds coins and currency from the bottom pouch which holds checks and deposit slip. Bags are co-extruded recyclable plastic film with pouch seams, write-on area, sequential numbering with bar coding, tamper-evident security closure, and tear-off receipt including numbering. Custom imprinted Twin-Pouch Cash and Checks Deposit Bags are available on request. Bags outer dimensions 9 1/2"W X 17 1/2"H.
Packaging Vault number
500 per box TPCCDB
100 per box TPCCDB1
**Additional Tamper-Evident Deposit Bags styles are available, for details use the Contact Us tab on our website or contact Roger Zavodny directly by e-mail at roger@myvaultllc.com or by phone at 440-346-4593.