Steel Card File Drawers
Steel cabinet features easy-slide drawers that hold approximately 1,500 cards per drawer. Drawers available for index card sizes of 3"H X 5"W, 4"H X 6"W, 5"H X 8"W, or 6"H X 9"W. Drawer door features a label holder for identification and a pull handle for opening and closing. Drawers include a follower block with compressor lock to hold cards. Cabinets include rubberized feet to prevent slipping. Cabinets can be stacked. Available in black color. Card File Drawers sold individually.
Item Card Size Dimensions Vault number
Single Drawer 3"H X 5"W 6 1/2"W X 16"D X 6 1/4"H SCFDS35
Single Drawer 4"H X 6"W 7 7/8"W X 16"D X 6 1/2"H SCFDS46
Single Drawer 5"H X 8"W 9 7/16"W X 16"D X 7 1/2"H SCFDS58
Double Drawer 3"H X 5"W 12 5/16"W X 16"D X 5 1/4"H SCFDD35
Double Drawer (pictured)
4"H X 6"W 14 7/16"W X 16"D X 6 1/2"H SCFDD46
Double Drawer 5"H X 8"W 18 3/8"W X 16"D X 7 1/2"H SCFDD58
Double Drawer 6"H X 9"W 20 3/8"W X 16"D X 8 3/8"H SCFDD69
Triple Drawer 3"H X 5"W 18 1/8"W X 16"D X 5 1/4"H SCFDT35
Steel Card File Boxes
Steel cabinet with maximum storage capacity of approximately 900 cards. File Box is available for index card sizes of 3"H X 5"W, 4"H X 6"W, 5"H X 8"W, or 6"H X 9"W. Lid features full length piano hinge. File Box is available with or without a follower block with compressor lock to hold cards. Available in black color. Card File Boxes sold individually.
Item Card Size Dimensions Vault number
with Follower Block 3"H X 5"W 5 1/2"W X 8 1/2"D X 4"H SCFBWB35
with Follower Block (pictured)
4"H X 6"W 6 1/2"W X 8 1/2"D X 5"H SCFBWB46
with Follower Block 5"H X 8"W 8 1/2"W X 8 1/2"D X 6"D SCFBWB58
with Follower Block 6"H X 9"W 9 1/16"W X 8 1/2"D X 7"H SCFBWB69
without Follower Block 3"H X 5"W 5 1/2"W X 3 9/16"D X 3 3/16"H SCFBWOB35
without Follower Block 4"H X 6"W 6 9/16"W X 4 1/8"D X 4 7/8"H SCFBWOB46
without Follower Block 5"H X 8"W 8 9/16"W X 5 3/16"D X 5 7/8"H SCFBWOB58
 Steel Vertical Organizers
Steel frame features rounded corners and tapered tops with non-slip, non-mar padded feet. Available in 4, 5, 6, or 8 slot models. Available in black color. Organizers sold individually.
Item Dimensions Vault number
4 slot 8"W X 11"D X 8 1/8"H SVO4
5 slot 12"W X 11"D X 8 1/8"H SVO5
6 slot 12"W X 11"D X 8 1/8"H SVO6
8 slot 15"W X 11"D X 8 1/8"H SVO8
 Steel Multi-Tier Horizontal Organizers
Steel frame features an I.D. label holder for tray identification. Available in 3-Tier, 4-Tier, 5-Tier, 6-Tier, and 7-Tier styles and Letter and Legal sizes. Organizers include pre-drilled holes for wall mounting or attachment to optional partition hangers. Available in black color. Organizers sold individually.
Item Dimensions Vault number
Letter size, 3-Tier 12"W X 8 3/4"D X 6 3/8"H SMTHOLR3
Letter size, 4-Tier 12"W X 8 3/4"D X 9 1/4"H SMTHOLR4
Letter size, 5-Tier 12"W X 8 3/4"D X 12 1/8"H SMTHOLR5
Letter size, 6-Tier 12"W X 8 3/4"D X 14 3/4"H SMTHOLR6
Letter size, 7-Tier 12"W X 8 3/4"D X 17 3/4"H SMTHOLR7
Legal size, 3-Tier 15"W X 8 3/4"D X 6 3/8"H SMTHOLL3
Legal size, 4-Tier 15"W X 8 3/4"D X 9 1/4"H SMTHOLL4
Legal size, 5-Tier 15"W X 8 3/4"D X 12 1/8"H SMTHOLL5
Legal size, 6-Tier 15"W X 8 3/4"D X 14 3/4"H SMTHOLL6
Legal size, 7-Tier 15"W X 8 3/4"D X 17 3/4"H SMTHOLL7
Optional Steel Partition Hangers
For use on partitions in 1 3/8" to 3 5/8" depth. Steel partitions supplied with foam pad which can be placed below the partition hanger to prevent scratching or marring of the cubicle. Partition Hanger is adjustable to accomodate the height of any key-hole slotted hanging organizer such as the Steel Multi-Tier Horizontal Organizers above. Dimensions 2 3/4" X 6 3/8" X 5/8". Available in black and silver colors. Partition Hangers sold as pair.
Color Vault number
Silver SPHS
**Additional styles of Card Files and Organizers are available, for details use the Contact Us tab on our website or contact Roger Zavodny directly by e-mail at roger@myvaultllc.com or by phone at 440-346-4593. |
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